“Where serving hearts meet real needs.”
855-965-HOPE / +1-949-459-3810
[email protected]
One is not born into
the world to do everything
but to do something.
— Henry David Thoreau
It's not how much we give,
but how much love we put into giving.
— Mother Teresa
HK JunksHK Junks
We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.
— Winston Churchill



Born from a passion to make short-term humanitarian trips available and welcoming to anyone with a desire to truly make a difference in the world, HopeRoad is simply an organization dedicated to helping those in need across the world.

We offer life-changing, short-term humanitarian projects for those who want to make a huge impact within local and/or international communities.


HopeRoad’s Microfinance Program

HopeRoad’s Microfinance Program started with a small group of women in Kipsongo, Kenya who were struggling to feed their children on a daily basis. With a small loan from a donor here in the states, they received training and support to start their own jewelry business and they are thriving! They’re making monthly interest free...
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HopeRoad Foundation

31% Donated/$6,873 To Go
Your donations will help support all of the worldwide efforts of the HopeRoad Foundation. Each penny you contribute will be used to make a difference in the lives of others.

We need your help

HopeRoad provides teams and resources around the world

To do this, we need donations and volunteers. No matter what your experience or your beliefs, the only requirement for working with HopeRoad is a passion for helping people. Whether you can give money or time, HopeRoad is an investment that you won’t regret.

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